Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Unit 3/Week 3 Work

ELA10C1 - The student can effectively demonstrate an understanding of the rules of the English language, realising that usage of the language requires the appropriate applications of grammar rules and conventions, in both written and spoken forms. This includes:

- Demonstrating an understanding of proper English usage through the rules of grammar, sentence and paragraph construction, diction and syntax.
- Use phrases, clauses, and punctuation correctly as defined by their individual rules.
- Express comprehension of proper sentence construction, and the overall propar usage of the English language.

Similarly to my answer in the "Unit 2/Week 2 Work" post; I have met these standards because I have long been an employer of the English language and I have been instructed in its proper manour of use extensively.

Unit 2/Week 2 - Personal Narratives

ELA10C2 - The student can understand (and demonstrate) the proper application of manuscript form, and that different forms of writing require diferent formats, and are composed in different ways/by different means. You should:

- Produce works of writing that reflect the appropriate format as described by manuscript form.
- Produce work that is readable, and contains correct spelling, usage of grammar, and application of punctuation rules.
- Reflect the requirements of manuscript form in works, i.e. pagination, spacing, and margins, and integration of source material with appropriate citations.
- Include a "works cited" and bibliography when needed.

I feel that I have met these standards long ago, because I have been writing for my whole life. I have always been good at spelling, however at times certian grammar and punctuation rules can sometimes cause me to slip up. Fortunately, I have managed to overcome many of those during this unit. Furthermore, I have known of "manuscript form" for many years, since it has always been the required format in which documents and writings are published for a formal purpose (i.e. schoolwork).

Unit 4/Week 4 Work - Creative Writing

ELA10RL1: The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts represetnative of different genres (poetry, prose, drama) and using this evidence as the pasis for interpretation.
I believe that I have already explained a standard almost identical to this one in the previous blog post entitled "Unit 5-- Weeks 5-7," (standard "ELAWLRL1") I am sorry, but I do not see the need in repeating myself.

ELA10RL4 - The student can exhibit comprehension of main ideas present in different works of literature from a variety of genres, and employs this comprehension to compose their own pieces of writing, which are also in many different genres and types of writing.

ELA10RL5 - The student obtains new vocabulary words, and then demonstrates an understanding of these words through use of them in reading and writing.

ELA10W1 - The student is able to produce pieces of writing that are organised properly, set a context and keep the reader engaged, remain coherently focused throughout, and establishes a closure.

ELA10W2 - The student is able to compose writings in various forms and genres in a correct mannour.

ELA10LSV1 - The student engages him/herself in discussions with other students, their teacher, and in groups.

I feel I have met these standards because, during this week, I learned a lot about composing creative writing pieces. I also learned many new vocabulary words, and recall participating in class discussions. Also, thanks to what I learned, I was able to apply my newly found knowledge and produced a spectacular creative writing piece at the end of the unit.

Unit 5--Weeks 5-7 - The Crucible

(my standards are going to be quite out of order - sorry, Ms Scredon :P)

ELAWLRL1 - The student demonstrates understanding through recognisation of elements (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events, main ideas, and cultural characteristics) in a variety of works including, but not limited to: poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama; and uses these elements to interpret the works.

ELAWLRL2 - The student identifies (a) theme in (a) work(s) of world literature, and is able to analyse and draw knowledge from said theme in order to support understanding of the work by providing finding evidence from the text (relating to the theme).

ELAWLRL3 - The student's understanding of literary works from various places around the world deepens by relation to their contemporary context and/or historical background, and also by relation to other works (such as from other time periods).

ELAWLRC1 - The student is required to read a minimun of 25 books appropriate to their grade level (equivalent to about 1,000,000 words total, which can be from other texts besides novels) per year. All words read are expected to be from a variety of subject matters. The student should read both fictional and non-fictional (informative) works within a variety of genres and modes of discourse, including technical works related to various areas of subject.

ELAWLRC2 - The student should actively participate in discussions relating to the learnings of the particular curriculums in all subject areas.

I feel that I have met these standards (excepting the reading of those 1,000,000 words - I don't recall you saying anything about that, Ms. Scredon, then again these are just state standards and guidelines, right? Like the Pirate's Code - "they're more like guidelines, anyway," (Pirates of the Caribbean, hehe)). I feel this way because of everything we've studied in relation to The Crucible. I have learned a lot through reading, watching, and writing about the play; spefically about its thematic elements. And I definitley jumped at the chance to participate in any and all discussions held in the class during this unit.
--Oh...oops, I think I was supposed to state whether we as a class met these standards. Well, let's hope so, because that was certianly your intention, eh, Ms. Scredon? However I can only speak for myself.* I enjoyed the unit thoroughly.
*And I will continue to do so, because as I mentioned before, I am certian that as a teacher it is your intention (and requirement) to make sure that these standards are applied to our units and met by each student...but I cannot speak for anyone but myself, so from here on out my little why-I-feel-these-standards-have-been-met-thingies will be expressed solely from my point of view. I hope I will not get points taken off for that, and that I am not being completely ridiculous and rambling. :P

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Like The Inner Wall Of A House

This poem was mainly about a man who had seen and experianced the tragedies of war and was traumatised by it attempting to deal with his emotional wounds. He did this by shutting himself off from the world and his own emotions, so as to not feel anything anymore. This is much like when something horrible happens to each of us, often we become numb at some point during the healing process (instead of, if I may say it plainly, going completely off of the deep end) because in some part of us, we believe that feeling nothing at all would be much better than experiancing all of that pain day in and day out.

Monday, October 5, 2009

World Poetry

ELAWLRL1 - The student demonstrates understanding by identifying elements of a variety of texts in different genres and use these elements as the basis for interpreting the works.

ELAWLRL2 - The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in an example of world literature, and use elements from the text to support understanding.

ELAWLRL3 - The students' understanding of world literature will deepen by relation to their own cultural background.

ELAWLRL5 - The student acquires and understands their acquired new vocabulary from said works, and uses it accurately in reading and writing.

ELAWLRC2 - The student participates in discussions related to learning in every subject area.

I definitley feel that I have met these standards, because whilst participating in the poetry unit, I got to experiance poetry from other parts of the world, I learned some new vocabulary words, and my understanding of poetry in and of itself deepened.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Unit 1/Week 1 Standards Summary

This week, it is expected that we learn to exhibit appropriate understanding and usage of the English language through the application of these standards:

- understand sentance construction and proper usage of the English language
- show comprehension of proper grammar, sentance/paragraph structure, and diction/syntax
- accurately use clauses, phrasing, and punctuation

I feel that I have met the above standards because, in NovaNet, I learned and came to understand a lot about grammar, punctuation, and various other related things that I didn't completely understand as well.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

First entry.

This is my first entry, just testing out my new blog for this class. Okay, yeah.

Hi everyone!

xoxo Kirsten